Learning Through Tinkering

As presented @ BrightonJUG

All the references I made in the presentation are in this post, as well as links to some code repositories to get you started! Was fun to be with you (digitally) Brighton! Hopefully I’m able to join you IRL sometime soon! If you have any questions, contact me on Twitter, LinkedIn or anywhere else you might find me! Slides Slides available as PDF (These are the slides as I presented it at JavaZone Conference, saving some disk space by not uploading the specific set, most slides should be here! [Read More]

Learning Through Tinkering

As presented @ JavaZone

All the references I made in the presentation are in this post, as well as links to some code repositories to get you started! The presentation was pre-recorded so I hope my enthusiasm was felt regardless. I hope you nevertheless enjoyed the presentation. If you have any questions, contact me on Twitter, LinkedIn or anywhere else you might find me! Slides Slides available as PDF Content Game Engine (update/draw-loop) For the game engine I followed a blog from James Cho. [Read More]

Learning Through Tinkering

As presented @ J-Fall

All the references I made in the presentation are in this post, as well as links to some code repositories to get you started! The presentation didn’t go as I expected due to some technical difficulties and switching up some content on the spot. I hope you nevertheless enjoyed the presentation. If you have any questions, contact me on Twitter, LinkedIn or anywhere else you might find me! Slides Slides available as PDF [Read More]

Jumping into Kotlin

Early impressions

Early, but not an adopter 8 years ago, I was doing my internship at Info Support, my current employer. During that time, I got invited to join the rest of the team to my first meetup, the Visug Event April 2013. The main speaker that evening was Hadi Hariri developer advocate at Jetbrains. Hadi gave 2 talks that evening. The first was about the Silver Bullet Syndrome. The other talk was about this new programming language Jetbrains was working on. [Read More]