Java improved its 'Hello World' experience

Smoother on-ramps with new Java Enhancement Proposals

No bootcamps are choosing Java. I was recently thinking about how we can get more people to program Java. While I think we still got work in many areas (more about that in future blog posts), I think the biggest influx of new Java developers could be found in bootcamps. While often overlooked when talking about “onboarding new people to our industry”, bootcamps are a great pathway to join our industry. [Read More]

Java related things I want to see more of in 2023

2022 is over, time to look towards the future!

2022 was an exciting year. I gave a couple of talks at conferences in EU and US, met a lot of cool people and even started hosting the Belgian Java User Group. While I have already celebrated the past year, it’s time to look ahead and share some hopes for 2023. This list is incomplete and not sorted. The embrace of Java 17+ Java has been evolving quite fast in the last couple of years. [Read More]

Great stuff is Loom-ing on the Horizon for Java

A short look at Project Loom

Almost two years ago now, I was at Oracle Code One in San Francisco. It was there that I first heard about Project Loom, a project that would introduce some kind of new way to do concurreny in Java. At that point, Loom was just a concept, a promise to make concurrency in Java easier. Fast forward to today and Loom has changed quite a bit since that initial presentation. The time to catch up with Project Loom. [Read More]
Loom  Java  JDK 

Limit yourself: NLP in Java without Cloud Solutions

Can Stanford CoreNLP do enough for us?

With the rise of chatbots and other linguistical applications the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has attracted quite some attention. My experience with NLP thus far has consisted of the following steps: Take a String.class Send it over to an online NLP engine (, or other friends) Get back the intents/entities Use them in a switch(intent) I know many people have a similar experience because it is so damn easy, but it has always bothered me to be dependent on a remote service. [Read More]